Please read...

Given that Facebook has a cap on the length of posts and Twitter is basically only useful for: 1) protestors, 2) egomaniacs, and 3) gourmet cupcake truck vendors, I figured it was as good a time as any to start a blog about my train wreck of a gender. More specifically, this blog isn't really about men as much as its about the role-playing charade known as masculinity, and about the various characters/caricatures who either uncritically take part in the performance or go to great lengths in order to shore up its shabby boundaries. Among the chief protagonists in this never-ending passion play are the Axe body spray-smelling, truck nutz-sporting heroes known as 'dudes'. They are not regular dudes, as in the kind of guys one might simply address by saying "Hey dude." Nay, my friend. These are dudely dudes, aka. bros (rhymes with nose), dude bros, or even bro dudes: the kind of Hollister clad creatures that America breeds by the million and seemingly endorses at every possible venue in popular culture and politics. At best they're a complete pain in the ass and at worst they excel at date rape, gay bashing, middle-management, football, talking about 'tits', barbecuing animals, and taking up arms to attack brown people they've never met, who speak a language they don't know, in a place they've never been before and probably couldn't identify on a map...with hints.

I'm an aging punk, a writer, and a college professor who spends a fair amount of time talking about the relationships between social structures, cultural norms, and the construction/formation of identity, which always involves the interplay between race, class, gender and power. While always critical, my approach to discussing such matters in class is fairly even handed, and if nothing else, nuanced. In short, I feel like the classroom is a place to educate, not to berate (I'm trademarking that shit, so don't even try to steal it). This blog, however, is not my class. It's a place for angry feminist critique (yes, sometimes feminists have penises) and rather un-nuanced observations about dudes, dude culture, and the ever-ridiculous cult of masculinity in which I grumpily dwell. I'm constantly busy, so please don't expect updates everyday, let alone multiple times a day. Then again, I've never committed to doing a blog before, so maybe I'll get psyched and you'll be overwhelmed by my sassy tirades. We shall see.

A final note: I currently have it set so that people can comment on my posts. I'm trying out the more open democratic format at first (it's the sweet, people-loving anarchist in me) but seeing as how this blog started from a rant about a comment posted on a website, I'm a little dubious about the prospects of sifting through commentary from the kind of folks who un-ironically greet each other by saying "What's up fags?" Time will tell if this option remains available, but I wouldn't hold my breath.

Up the nerds,

P.S. If you're curious about the dudes in the background 'wallpaper' image, you can find out more details here.